Let Freedom Ring, Let Freedom Ring

Shawn Caron

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Man it feels so good to be back writing my thoughts once again. It’s been a while , with school kicking my butt once again. But I’d like to pen down some conclusive thoughts as it marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination.
First, it’s only been 50 years. My parents were alive when this man hanged the nation, and only 50 years since someone with such hatred in their heart decided to end this mans life. Now I know he may not have been the best person to discuss in terms of race and social issues, but no ones perfect. I have been told that I have some of his qualities, which honestly scared me at the time, because obviously he didn’t live to see his dream for our nation come to fruit. But as I watch more of him and Malcolm, Ali, and some of my all time favorite African-American leaders, one thing they didn’t have is fear. They were calm in their spiritual and mental approach, understanding the risks that their messages took on the world.
Now I didn’t think about the significance of that when I began this blog. I didn’t understand that my willingness to just talk what’s I believe will offend some and maybe lead others to reconciliation as well. Now I understand. I understand the level of responsibility that I have to myself, my family and loved ones, and to my African-American community.
King did things that no one else wanted to do at the time, which was try to change the status quo for the better of society. His lane that the Lord wanted him to walk was in a “worldly” fashion, as some Christians refer to the secular society around us. I always felt that my lane was there too, and my desires not of my selfish ambition, but that of which my soul longs for. To bring people together, to help Gods will be done for this country. Whether it be about politics, race, or social issues, I now understand and I need to not be complacent and distracted. But I will not rest until our nation is a place for everyone. As tough as it will be, I understand that the lane is set and God’s waiting for me to just trust that he’s got my best interest for me. May God bless this nation, leaders, and those who want to make a change.


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